Capturing Mindfullness


Written and Photographed by Matthew Johnstone

Capturing Mindfulness is the natural follow up to the best selling book Quiet the Mind.

It’s a book on how to create mindfulness through photography. 
Next to meditation, this is one of the most creative and enjoyable ways to understand and attain mindfulness in day-to-day life. The very essence of photography; after all, is all about observing, focusing, framing and capturing ‘a moment’.

It’s important to note that understanding photography or even owning a camera is not a prerequisite to understanding this book. 
When we become more consciously aware of where we are, what we’re doing and what we’re thinking, life can become calmer, more enjoyable and we create more space to problem solve and be creative. 

Capturing Mindfulness in Published by Pan Macmillan Australia

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