We are back from our whirlwind trip of Europe ending with a our talk and presentation at W.H.O in Geneva (you can spot Ainsley and I under the right corner of the screen); which I have to say will go down as a life milestone for us both. It was amazing to be in that extraordinary building, presenting to leaders in mental health and wellbeing from all over the world.
While we were there W.H.O released an international report on Suicide; among other things, it came out with the staggering statistic that someone takes their life every 40 seconds. Suicide is the permanent solution to a temporary problem. Which brings us today, it’s RUOK? day https://www.ruok.org.au. This is a wonderful initiative to encourage people to reach out and check in on someone. Taking the time to put your ‘metaphorical’ hand on someones shoulder can not only change a life but it can save a life.
Today, oddly enough, is also the 13th anniversary of 9/11 attacks in New York. It still seems surreal to think that I was standing a block from those buildings when they came down. A truly terrible event, but will always be a constant reminder that life is short, we don’t know what’s around the corner; therefore we should embrace each day and live it fully. I hope this finds you well, happy and safe where ever you might be. Mj